Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Greek babynames help please????

i want my childern to have greek names but they r from an important person and im having trouble thinkin of girls names

the 2 boys names i chose are Achilles %26amp;%26amp; Alexander because the great fighter Achilles %26amp;%26amp; Alexander the great

if you have any girls names could you please tell me

1.the name.

2.the pernunciation[sp?]

3.what she did in greek history

%26amp;%26amp; what do you think of the boys names??

Greek babynames help please????
Girl's Names:

Aglaia (ah-GLAE-ah): one of the three graces

Andromache (an-drah-MAH-kee): the wife of Hector of Troy.

Antigone (an-TI-goh-nee): daughter of Oedipus, very headstrong and did what she believed was right.

Artemis (Ar-tem-is): Maiden goddess; goddess of the hunt

Astraea (As-TRY-ah): Goddess of justice, became the constellation Virgo

Briseis (bri-SAY-is): Lover of Achilles

Elpis (ELL-pis): The element of Hope, the last thing Pandora let out of the box.

Gaea (GY-ah): Mother earth

Hermione (her-MY-oh-nee): Daughter of Menelaus and Helen of Troy.

Ilithyia (ill-ITH-ee-yah): Goddess of childbirth

Ismene (is-MAY-nee): Daughter of Oedipus and sister to Antigone.

Maia (MY-ah): Mother of Hermes

Marmara (MAR-mah-rah): The sea of Marmara

Phaedra (FAY-drah): Wife of Theseus

Thalia (either TAL-ee-yah or THAL-ee-yah): Muse of comedy

Although both of the boys names are epic and great, I think giving one a common name like Alexander and the other an obscure name like Achilles is setting up for a lifetime of jealousy and teasing.

This is a link that shows Greek names and how they relate to Greek myth and history (usually by clicking on the "more" after the name). Hope this all helps.

Reply:I like Eirene (ihr.re.ne) greek for Peace, and goddess of peace. Are Arete (Ah.re.te, or Ah.ree.tee) greek for exelence. Telemacus' nurse in the Odyssey. For boys, Persius, choped off the head of Madusa or Theseus who killed the Minotaur. Achilles and Alexander are great names, they are just a little too populor. Alex is very common and everyone knows Achilles.
Reply:Hi! I can help with parts of your questions. A girl's version of Alexander can be Alexandra or Alexandria, pronounced similar to Alexander. They weren't actual people in history, they're just feminine versions of the boys' names.

This website might help you out:


Reply:Aphrodite the goodness of love

Teti another goodness she was the mother of Achilles

Dafni one of the seven muses

Eftepi another muses

Iphigenia she was the daughter of Agamemnon

Casandra daughter of king Priam
Reply:Atenea, goddess.

Afrodita, goddess

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